Reimagining “Before and After”

Our goal is so much more than a quick-fix crash diet or a six-pack selfie. Read below, where clients of all backgrounds share the changes they’ve discovered across all areas of their lives.

”Before working with Optimized Health, I was feeling tired, stuck in my body, and uncomfortable with who I saw in the mirror. Becoming a client of Optimized Health switched something in my brain, and revamped my life completely. 

Weight loss was never the end goal. Our focus was purely on body confidence and feeling healthy and energized. However, I've weighed myself once since we started and have lost 25 pounds! I am now confident in my body - not because I’m “thinner” - but because I treat it kindly with the food I eat, movement, and everyday decisions to be better.

I really couldn’t have done this without Ethan’s constant support and I’m forever grateful. I’m now running 10Ks, and hopefully a half-marathon in the fall!”

— Sofi P

“My goal was to break up with my toxic relationship with food and exercise. Because of extraordinary coaching, I no longer suffer from anxiety around meals, food choices, or rest days.

My stomach problems have all but disappeared. I no longer eat just to workout or workout to justify eating.

My transformation is not about pounds gained, lost, or miles run. It’s about tackling my own worst enemy and conquering a battle all too many of us are fighting silently.

- Hannah L


"In our 6 months together, we worked through a complete lifestyle reboot: from balanced eating habits, to more intense workouts and mindful rest days. Yet throughout this very emotional and physical journey of unlearning habits and letting go of negative coping mechanisms, Ethan was supportive and motivating.

I've found that I now prioritize my health (and myself) so much more than before and feel not only more educated but better in tune with what MY body needs. I've never felt better physically, emotionally, and mentally than I have now -- and I love that Ethan's focus was always on helping me find within myself what I needed to get me here.

I went to Optimized Health with the goal of improving stress/anxiety, but I'm walking away with so much more (and 16 pounds less!)

— Melissa L

“Where do we even begin?! My husband and I were at a loss of how to find routine, confidence in our healthy eating capabilities and the drive to find a consistent exercise practice.

Our coach, Maddy, was an absolute gem, the best cheerleader and the most supportive guide. We learned to confidently shop and cook healthy, delicious meals. We learned tools to navigate crazy schedules, and how to bounce back to a healthy norm after weekends of heavier eating or drinking. When unexpected work stress came upon my husband, Maddy helped him find the wins each day (no matter the size).

After months inside during COVID, and losing my drive to exercise, Maddy helped me get back into running, walking with my pup and helped me commit to 6 months of F45 strength training classes, which is UNHEARD OF for me. Now, with 100 classes down, I've never felt this strong.

We now have the skills and confidence to keep up our intentional, healthy lifestyle no matter the ups/downs or social calendar. I'd recommend Optimized Health and Coach Maddy (and already have!) to anyone that could use an angel on their shoulder as they navigate the never-ending adventure that is personal health (mental and physical!)”

- Kalli & Michael F

”I was sick, sad and tired of trying it all. Going from extreme dieting, quick fixes, and hardly exercising to slowly (quickly) gaining all the weight back, plus more. Never in my previous “weight loss journeys” had I focused on meeting my life where it was and changing habits for good.

I’m so thankful I found Optimized Health and was connected with my coach, Katie. Meeting weekly, having accountability that was truly non-judgmental, and slowly unlearning bad habits and negative self talk was new territory for me.

Katie helped me learn new habits at my pace that fit in with my hectic lifestyle, and taught me how to not put so much pressure on food or myself.

Now my life involves gym visits, loving and accepting my body in the present, and not feeling as controlled by food and emotions. I feel prepared to move forward in life with a new perspective on my health that will only get better with time.”

— Melissa D

“Before working with Ethan and Optimized Health, I really didn't understand my relationship to food, especially certain kinds of food.

He helped me mentally just as much as physically, and guided me towards really changing the way I eat and think about eating, but without ever sacrificing the things I love.

He also helped me get in a routine of well-rounded exercise between strength training, cardio and yoga that is now just part of my everyday life.

While working with Ethan I lost 20lbs and completely changed my outlook on diet and exercise.

Highly recommend!!

- Josh J

“After turning 50, I needed to include strength training, but wasn't sure how to get started.

Just from personal training with Ethan a few

times a week, I’ve more than doubled the weight

I lift, and most of all I haven’t gotten injured.

Ethan is so positive, motivating and really understands how to strengthen the entire body,

plus seems to have endless new exercises

to shake things up.

Getting stronger has helped me feel better overall, but also get more out of my other

workouts in my usual routine!”

— Kristel C

”In just 3 months together, these changes we made are a simple part of my daily life. I didn’t even have a weight loss goal, but ended up losing 18lbs, 10 total body inches and dropped a pant size.

I wasn’t massively overweight, and was just looking for some accountability when I reached out. Coach Katie and I honed in weekly on my habits and routines to develop the healthy sustainable life that worked for me. We never eliminated foods that brought me joy, but changed my mentality towards nutrition.

But even more exciting, I now have the confidence and knowledge to continue building on that momentum.”

— Tim M

"I can't express enough gratitude for the transformative journey I've had.

Before working with Ethan, I was always on the lookout for quick fixes, never realizing the true depth of what I needed. But since embarking on this journey, I've come to understand that true health isn't about restriction or deprivation; it's about embracing a life-affirming and kind approach to wellness.

Ethan has guided me through this process with unwavering support and understanding, helping me navigate challenges and celebrate accomplishments along the way. I didn’t realize how much I needed this until I was in it!

If you're seeking a holistic approach to health that's truly life changing, I wholeheartedly recommend working with Ethan at Optimized Health who embodies these principles."

- Kathy L

"Working with Optimized Health has been life changing for my health and confidence. I’ve always told myself I wanted to lose weight and tone up, but I was never able to keep the momentum or motivation.

I learned to eat healthy and still enjoy food. I learned portion control (and still had my weekly Chipotle ritual as part of my plan!) I learned how sleep and anxiety effect mental and physical health. I gained confidence in myself while doing workouts that I never would’ve dreamed of being able to complete.

I’ve watched my body transform into someone who not only feels healthy and fit, but looks it too.”

— Carly S

Optimized Health has radically transformed my life. I used to have an all-or-nothing mindset leaving me hangry or binging.

They treat the entire body, which affects your overall well-being. It's not just about nutrition, I learned, but everything else as well. If I'm bored or sad, how is that going to affect my eating?

I had the most emphatic, compassionate coach in Katie, who makes you celebrate your successes and understand the “why” to your pitfalls.

I 100% recommend Optimized Health for anyone who wants to feel and look good.

— Gabrielle M

“I felt weak and sluggish, lacking good physical habits and feeling stuck. The gap between reality and my aspirations felt too huge.

Ethan helped me break down not just the physical steps but the psychological ones too. Increased comfort led to increased confidence led to increased action which led to achieving my goals!

Today, I am stronger, less achy, more active, and proactive in my life in general. I’m walking into gyms and yoga studios knowing that I BELONG there.”

- Lisa C


“I was uncomfortable in my body. I didn’t want to pose for pictures and I definitely didn’t want to step on a scale. Optimized Health helped me reshape my relationship with food and exercise. After just a few months, I was posing for pictures in clothes that flattered my new, healthy shape.”

— Sandy F

“I worked with Optimized Health and Coach Ethan for 10 months on identifying my triggers, creating healthier coping mechanisms, and ultimately losing 20lbs. I ended up making better food choices throughout the day, and discovered that I truly enjoy running and HIIT classes.

Before starting to work together, I remember taking one of Ethan’s workout classes and I could not perform half the exercises. Five months into working with him, I was bringing my friends to join the classes, and was able to follow and even add additions to make it more challenging at times!

The process was much more emotional than anticipated but even months later as I write this I’m finding myself making healthier choices at unexpected times. It is a process, truly, that will last with me for a lifetime. Bye (fad) diets and thank you Ethan for putting up with the amount of crying that took place during our sessions! You’ve truly changed my life for the better!

- Marie L

“Working with Optimized Health was completely life changing for me.

This program helped me learn things about myself I never knew, and led me to build a newfound confidence from within that I never thought was possible. I developed much healthier lifelong habits, with a strong foundation that Coach Maddy fostered every step of the way.

On top of my work with Maddy, I consistently joined Ethan’s group workout classes, even though I was a beginner. The personalization Optimized Health provided me gave me everything I needed for success - and I will carry that with me forever.”

-Tyler C

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“Ethan’s positive attitude and genuine enthusiasm for helping others has sparked a love for exercising I never thought I’d have. He has instilled in me a passion for running and a confidence in the ability to push my personal limits that has allowed me to achieve goals I didn’t think possible.

And through it all, he always leaves me with a smile on my face. Ethan is truly the best!”

— Annika W


“Healing with a Health Coach - a big year of transition ending a 23 year marriage.

Better than therapy - I’m learning to nourish myself with food, squats, walks, weights and rest. Ethan’s positive energy is infectious and makes me feel like I really can do anything.

His pride in my mini & big accomplishments makes me want to fight for my life back - a healthy & joyful life.

Exercising for stress relief and healthy foods for a strong mind are helping me get my mojo back.”

- Britta L

“Since working with Optimized Health, I’ve lost more than 50 pounds and am off ALL of my Type 2 diabetes medication that I’ve been taking for six years. It was all brand new to me, but we focused on tiny goals and habits one by one and built up over time!

As of today, I actually have not only kept off my weight but am still exercising daily and doing strength training multiple times per week, which is helping my strength as I age.”

- Robin F

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"Prior to working with Optimized Health, there was a zero percent chance I would have been able to complete this race.

Over the past 3 months,  Coach Katie has helped me completely transform my eating habits (the Popeyes to quinoa kind of transformation!), lose 20 pounds, and gain the strength and confidence to sign up and complete my first Spartan race.

I feel amazing and am blown away by the progress we have made so far.

— Mark B

“I have felt supported and excited from the moment I started working with Optimized Health.

I was suffering from work-related burnout, anxiety, depression and had stopped taking care of myself.

Over 5 months, I learned to prioritize my health, figured out what foods made me feel good, what exercise I was excited to do, and how to build boundaries for my mental health.

Instead of counting calories and restriction, I prioritize eating real food and exercise

multiple times a week consistently.

I trained and completed my first 5K, lost 12 lbs and found whole foods to satisfy cravings.

Most importantly, I've gained appreciation for my body. It feels good to not beat myself up. I recently got married, and walked down the aisle and into this new chapter feeling feeling truly good about myself."

— Emily B


“Working with Optimized Health has given me so many gifts. I have learned how to enjoy eating healthy foods while allowing myself freedom to listen to my body.

Now, I also have the ability to be consistent with my exercise routine - which does wonders for both my physical and mental health! As someone who has always struggled with commitment, I've finally figured out how to stick to my goals, and I thank Coach Katie and Ethan from the bottom of my heart for this.

- Ally G


“I can’t thank you enough! I never thought I would embrace my health and fitness so much - definitely surprised myself. All of the knowledge and support has made such a difference! After just a few months together, I feel like my body has a shape, my clothes fit better, and I have some muscle tone! Quite a difference. I am now training for a 5K and am excited to have something to keep working towards.”

— Bri M