Finding Food and Body Freedom:

Bringing Balance To your Relationship With Food and Exercise

Sat June 8 | Denver, CO

What To Expect

Dr. Anita Johnston (Ph.D.) (Certified Eating Disorder Specialist & Best-Selling Author) and Ethan Schiff (Integrative Health Coach & Podcast Host) team up for a full-day workshop experience, to bring balance to your relationship with eating and exercise.

The event will take place at the Hyatt Denver/Cherry Creek at 4150 E Mississippi Ave, Glendale, CO 80246



This experience is sponsored by EDCare, a privately held organization, offering patients, their families, healthcare professionals and the community over 23 years of eating disorder experience. EDCare offers free, confidential assessments and is in-network with most major insurances. To learn more, scroll to the bottom of this page or visit:

Schedule & What’s Included

  • 9:30AM: Registration

  • 10AM: Welcome & Intros

  • 10:30AM - 12:30PM: Workshop A

  • 12:30 - 1:30PM: Lunch

  • 1:30 - 3:30PM: Workshop B

  • 3:30 - 4PM: Closing Circle

INCLUDED: All sessions, venue spaces and lunch

NOT INCLUDED: Transport to/from location

Let’s do this!

Are you ready to improve your relationship with food, exercise, body and self?

This is a unique, rare opportunity for an in-person day of workshops, conversation and self-reflection. You will be left inspired, moved, and feeling your best.

Grab your ticket now, and we’ll see you then!

  • Anita Johnston, Ph.D., is a Depth Psychologist, Certified Eating Disorder Specialist, and author of “Eating in the Light of the Moon: How Women Can Transform Their Relationships with Food Through Myths, Metaphors, and Storytelling”, which has been published in seven languages.

    She is the co-creator of the Light of the Moon Café, an online resource with interactive and self-study courses for women around the world.

    A pioneer in the field of eating psychology for over thirty-five years, she has created treatment programs in Hawaii and the US Mainland, Europe, and Australia. She is currently the Founder and Executive Clinical Director of Ai Pono Hawaii*, which has a residential eating disorder treatment program on Maui.

  • Ethan Schiff is an Integrative Health Coach and Podcast Host focused on helping people feel their best, and personalize what true health means for them. His practice Optimized Health sees clients around the country wanting to improve their relationship with food, body and self, and his podcast The True Health Podcast helps listeners stay inspired while connecting their emotional health to how it manifests in their physical behavior.

    While he himself went on a 130lb weight loss journey that propelled his passion for wellness, he openly uses himself as an example of just how much diet culture sinks into our lives, noting how he was celebrated for disordered behavior at times, all under the guise of “discipline and willpower”.

  • "This is the support I always dreamed would exist, but could never find."

    - Dave B

  • "My journey was about health battles so many of us are fighting silently."


  • "Some of the takeaways have been life-changing for my health and my confidence."

    -Carly S


  • This experience is for anyone interested in bringing balance to their relationship with food and exercise.

  • Hyatt Denver/Cherry Creek

    4150 E Mississippi Ave, Glendale, CO 80246

    There is a hotel parking lot, as well as parking in back, available for you.

  • Minors are welcome if accompanied by an adult.

  • Please bring with you:

    • Journal & Pen

    • Water Bottle

    • Comfortable clothes to sit in for the day

  • We will be catering lunch in a buffet-style format from Chipotle, so all dietary sensitivities should be accommodated.

    If you have a very specific dietary sensitivity to share, please email us.

  • Danielle Mauro:

  • Your ticket can be refunded if canceled within 24 hours of time of purchase. To refund, email us. Thank you!

Don’t miss this!

Are you ready to improve your relationship with food, exercise, body and self?

This is a unique, rare opportunity for an in-person day of workshops, conversation and self-reflection. You will be left inspired, moved, and feeling your best.

Grab your ticket now, and we’ll see you then!

Meet Our Sponsor: EDCare

EDCare, a privately held organization, offers patients, their families, healthcare professionals and the community over 23 years of eating disorder experience. We believe everyone has the right to receive affirming and validating eating disorder treatment, which is why empathy and compassion are at the core of the work we do. Our multidisciplinary team provides expert care that is centered on cultivating hope, personal well-being, and lasting recovery. EDCare offers free, confidential assessments and is in-network with most major insurances. Affordable housing accommodations are available.

To learn more, click the button below.